2013年12月3日 星期二

A trip to York/York行

Yorkdesigner outlet待了幾個小時候,我們回到市中心找東西吃。我的樓友跟我說他去過很多York的咖啡店,所以我就一直很想到York來趟「咖啡店巡禮」。我們挑了一間咖啡店,風格跟很多台灣的咖啡店很像。

After spending several hours in the Desginer outlet in York, we came back to the city center of York for some food. My flatmate told me that he'd been to many cafes in York. I have been wanting to go on a "cafe tour"in York. We picked a cafe whose style was very similar to many cafes in Taiwan.


I ordered a slice of carrot cake and a cappuccino.


The cappuccino was ok but far better than I'd had in other places in the UK.


The carrot cake, though, was definitely the highlight of the day (if the dialogue between my friend and I didn't count).

                                       We left the cafe contentedly and wandered in the city center. There were a lot of lovely shops here. This shop was extravagant and...

 morbid!! It had a zombie bride on display! I still like the shop because it's cool.


I didn't really have enough time to explore York. I even missed Betty's!! Given that York is lovely, I have made up my mind to visit York again and explore it thoroughly.

