2013年9月14日 星期六

The first day in Singapore 星國第一日

飛了幾個小時候,我終於到了旅途的第一站,也就是新加坡。原本以為入境要很久,但是沒想到入關花了不到五分鐘,但是等行李卻等了超過十分鐘。拿完行李後,我就到Ground Transport Desk搭接駁巴士到旅館去。

After several hours of flight, I finally arrived at Singapore, the first stop of my journey. I had thought that it would take a long time to go through the customs channels at the airport. However, it only took me less than 5 minutes to go through the channel and about 10 minutes to collect my luggage. After collecting my luggage, I went to the Ground Transport Desk to take the shuttle bus to my hostel.


The staff member gave me a sticker and asked me to stick that on my shirt because the driver would recognize the sticker and pick me up.


Shortly after I checked in at the hostel, I went to the Lau Pa Sat nightmarket to try some satay. According to the map, the nightmarket is not far from the hostel. Roads, however, in Singapore are confusing, so it took me some time to reach the nightmarket. Unfortunately, the original venue was under construction, so there were just a few vendors along the street.


I ordered 10 chicken sticks and 10 mutton sticks. Thanks to the seasoning, I could have a bite of the mutton.


After that, I visited an Irish bar and ordered one Bermuda Triangle. It really tasted good, and I drank it up in two minutes.


I was very thirsty then, so I went to 7-11 and bought a bottle of cider, which was good, too!

