週六早上,我們來到了York的Robin Hood’s Bay(羅賓漢),一起共渡週末。早上從Durham出發的時候,天空還下著大雨。不過很幸運的是,這邊陽光普照。我們所的成員幾乎都到齊了。
We arrived at Robin Hood's Bay, York on Saturday morning to have a retreat weekend for postgraduate students in our department. It rained heavily in Durham. Fortunately, it was sunny at Robin Hood's Bay. Almost all of the students in our program are here in the photo.
Our department bought us fish and chips for lunch. (I am not particularly a fan of fish and chips. But my mouth is watering now. It's late in a cold night, after all.)
Having lunch and chatting by the beach was enjoyable. (the beach smelled like seaweeds)
這個洞穴讓我想起St. Cuthbert’s Cave.
This cave reminds me of St. Cuthbert's cave.
Two of my gorgeous classmates.
Nicole is gorgeous, too!
Robin Hood’s Bay很小很美,在這邊拍的相片很漂亮。
Robin Hood's Bay is a small and beautiful town. You can take good photos there.
Nicole and Eli看起來在吵架, 但其實不是。
Nicole and Eliana seemed to have a quarrel; they actually weren't.
This puppy was so cute and obedient!
Rum and raisins ice cream. It's the first time I had had ice cream since I came to Europe.
Manual drying machine. But it looks like a torturing machine.
A pig butt
The town was really small. We wander through lanes and allies for quite a few times. Then, we decided to have some drinks in an inn.
Charles and Madeline兩位所上的教授煮晚餐的時候,我們在玩pub quiz。題目內容把字母打散的電影名字、猜出一張臉是由哪兩位明星合成的、從鳥瞰圖猜地名。 晚餐過後就到一間pub喝酒、跳舞、聽音樂,大家都玩得很高興。
Charles and Madeline, two professors in our department, made us the dinner while we were having some sort of pub quiz. We had movie anagrams, celebrity match game, and recognizing scenic spots. Following the nice dinner was live music in a pub. We enjoyed the drinks and music there.