2013年12月17日 星期二

Day 1 in Müchen/慕尼黑首日


The flight was 06:20 in the morning. It took approximately 2 hour to fly from Gatwick to Munich. The lands are beautiful, isn't it?


The airport was located in the rural area, so I needed to take the S-Bahn to the city center. Tickets are available in the airport. 


Remeber to look up the German name of the destination. There wouldn't be the English translation for your destination. I didn't look it up, so I asked a kind passenger for help and successfully got the ticket to the main train station in Munich.


What exactly is this box?

It's a trash bin(?).

The weather in Munich was so nice that I even sweat. I'd been used to the cold and wet weather in the northeastern England.

來德國就是為了聖誕市集!慕尼黑市中心有5個聖誕市集,這個就在main plaza

Christmas markets are the reason that I visited Germany! There were 5 Christmas markets in the city center. This one was located in the main plaza. 


Bratwurst and Glūhwein


I'd been wanting to get a cup of Glūhwein. My dream has come true! (what kind of dream is this?)


I stayed overnight in the airport. Feeling tired and hungry, I found a cafe and ordered this. It's apple pie, I guess.


I started using a plastic fork. Then, a kind lady gave me a stainless steel one and said "It tastes better with this". (This is the exact wording) It's so nice of her.


Even having a rest at the cafe, I was still overtaken by a wave of tiredness. So I spent the rest of my afternoon in this hammock having a sound sleep.

