2013年9月18日 星期三

Eating at Dublin 都柏林吃吃


Things are quite expensive in Ireland. The cheapest sandwich can cost up to 4 euros. I didn't know where to find a budget in Dublin when I first arrived.

Yogurt, granola, and berries cost 3.99 euros. At least he gave me a good amount of honey.


I planned to have a 2-euro croissant at the hostel and bought some milk at the supermarket across the street. There I found triplegrain bread one for 1euro. It is a bargain, isn't it. I ended up having a bread, a peach, 250ml milk for lunch. That cost me 1.645 euros.


I also find some salad at the supermarket. 1.49 euros/100g. I decided to have that for dinner. 

去完Christ Church回程中又去逛了超是(根本就是家庭主婦),我尋覓到兩人份的沙拉只要1歐,晚餐就喝250cc的牛奶、一根麵包、兩份沙拉,超飽,花了2.645歐元。

On my way to the hostel after I visited Christ Church. I found a salad box for 1 euros. It served two persons. I had 250ml of milk, a salad box, a bread, an peach, spending 2.645 euros. So full!


BTW, coffee here is terribly bad!

