2013年9月19日 星期四

St. Michans Church and Christ Church

St. Michans’教堂在1095年建成。原本沒打算要去這座教堂,只正要去Christ Church,探索都柏林的路上看到有人在拍照,就走上前一看。

St. Michans' Church was founded in the 1095. Visiting this church had not been in my plan. I just happened to saw somebody taking photos when I was exploring the city on my way to Christ Church.

Christ Church1028竣工,是愛爾蘭十分著名的教堂。成人票是6歐,學生和敬老票則是4.6歐。
Christ Church was founded in 1028. It is also one of the famous church in Ireland. The admittance rate for an adult is 6 euros and 4.6 euros for students and seniors.


A historical site.


There are a lot of chapels and statues in the Church. Most of them are erected or built to remember some people. 


A photo of myself is a must (for the interest of my parents)

 Dublin Castle

